Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome to our family!

Hi everyone. I had to laugh when I realized what our last two posts were about. They were welcoming our sweet Natalie to our family and showing the reactions of each sibling towards her. That seemed so long ago but Natalie is now 16 months old. She is growing fast. And so that brings us to the current post; welcoming our new baby boy Zachary Bryan to the world. :)

Zachary presented us with his first cries on Friday September 3rd at 11:24 am. Both Nick and I immedately were in tears. He is such a wonderful and content little baby. Well, maybe I shouldn't say little. He came out weighing 8 lbs 15 oz! 22 in long! This kid is enormous:) Thank you to my doctor and all the medical staff that helped with his safe delivery. We are so grateful.


  1. Congratulations!!! He is as adorable as the rest of your little ones!! You all look great! I hope everything is going wonderfully!

  2. Wonderful news! Congratulations! He looks tiny and perfect.

  3. Congratulations! He is beautiful.

  4. He is so cute Marquesa! I love all of his hair. Congratulations. :)

  5. Oh, he is so stinking cute! Look at those pinchable, kissable cheeks! Congrats!

  6. He's beautiful! And you're right, he's definitely huge! Congrats!!!

  7. SO cute! Congrats! Think you guys will make it to the get together?

  8. Congratulations on your new little guy! He is a cutie. :)

  9. Congrats on your new little guy! He is a cutie.

  10. Congrats guys! My mom just told me you had your baby, but she had no info, so I am so glad you posted pics. Such a beautiful baby!

  11. Nick and Marquesa your family is so cute! I am way behind. Hope you are all doing fantastic!! Love you bunches and I miss your face :)
